Saturday, July 15, 2006


finally figured out how to take screenshots in FEAR. but its quite tedious. i have to printscreen, pause e game, go paint and then paste it. loll. anyway. the finale was so awesome, i have to put some pictures about it. since i have so many, i'll pick out e best and the most viewer friendly cause some ppl might be disgusted. haha. roflmao.

hah. found alma and the evil guy. apparently, the guy is devouring e hostage i was supposed to rescue. freaky.
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a whole lot of things happen, including flashbacks, hallucinations and the guy himself telling me alma's my mother!!! but in the end, i get to kill him.
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gahh. so bloody and i was too late to rescue the hostage.

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that guy is harlan wade. he put alma into where she is and eventually killed her. now, under alma's control he's trying to fully release her and i have to stop him because if alma is released, she do a whole lot of bad shit.
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too late. i couldnt stop him. alma is released and promptly takes her revenge. thats her on the right. its like her "true" form. not the little girl in the red dress. loll.

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thats all thats left of harlan wade.

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to be continued. loll. damn scary while i was playing it.

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